I've been busy creating a new series of handy, clickable e-resources for writers, editors, students, teachers, instructors, journalists, bloggers, and anyone else with a writing project on the go. I just published the second one last Wednesday, and yesterday, I decided to play around with the titles to re-brand them a bit. (Until yesterday, they were called Grammar on the Go and Spelling on the Go.)
So far, two e-books in the series are out: Quick Clicks: Spelling List - Commonly Misspelled Words at Your Fingertips and Quick Clicks: Word Usage - Style and Usage Tips for Writers and Editors. And to introduce the second one, I've just put them both on sale for $0.99 each, tonight through Tuesday, Nov. 18. Click on the titles to go to the e-resources on Amazon.com. I'll list the links below for Amazon.ca and Amazon.co.uk, where they're also on sale for the equivalent of 99 cents USD.
Why more spelling, word usage, and grammar resources? Because these are designed to be super quick and easy to use, so they'll save you a lot of time - and you can rest assured that the information presented is well-researched and accurate.
At the beginning of each guide is a bank of letters like this, only with live links to small groups of words or terms in the document that start with those 2 or 3 letters:
A ad af al am an ap
as Ba be bi bo br bu Ca ce ch ci co com con cr Da de di dr Ea ef em en ev etc.
You click on a pair of letters and you jump right to the words starting with those two (or three) letters. Then on every page is a link to get you back "Home" or to the "Key" to look for another word or term.

You can buy the PDF for $2.99 ($1.50 during this sale) by contacting Jodie Renner at info (at) JodieRenner (dot) com. You'll need a PayPal account, but they're very easy to set up.
If you click on the links to Amazon, you can open the book and preview the first 10 pages or more to check them out.
Quick Clicks: Spelling List on Amazon.co.uk (0.77)
And suggestions welcome for more words and terms to include in updated editions! Please add any suggestions or comments below. Thanks!
Besides publishing her popular craft-of-writing books under the
series, An Editor’s Guide to Writing
Compelling Fiction, the award-winning Fire up
Your Fiction and Writing a Killer Thriller (and the upcoming Captivate Your Readers),
as well as her handy, clickable e-resources, Quick Clicks: Spelling
List – Commonly Misspelled Words at Your Fingertips and Quick Clicks: Word Usage –
Style and Usage Tips for Busy Writers and Editors, Jodie
Renner is a sought-after freelance fiction editor and author
of numerous blog posts on writing captivating fiction. Jodie is also a former English (and French) teacher and has a master's degree in language and literature. Find Jodie on Facebook and Twitter.And suggestions welcome for more words and terms to include in updated editions! Please add any suggestions or comments below. Thanks!