(See down for Blood-Red Pencil blogspot posts and The Thrill Begins blogspot posts)
Act First, Explain Later (Hooking Your Readers with an Effective Opening)
Point of View – Head-Hopping
Creating Compelling Characters
Tips for Writing Effective Dialogue
Show, Don’t Tell
Style Faux-Pas (Style Blunders in Fiction)
12 Tips for Keeping Your Manuscript out of the Rejects Pile
Dialogue Nuts and Bolts
14 Tips for Breaking into the Romance Genre
16 Tips for Writing an Effective Short Story
Clear, Concise, Powerful Nonfiction Writing
Hyphens, Dashes, Ellipses
Basic Formatting of Your Manuscript
Thrillers vs. Mysteries
Writers’ Conferences in 2011
Fiction Definitions
Query Letters
Writing a Synopsis of Your Novel
August 7, 2010 – Act First, Explain Later
Sept. 17, 2010: Creating Compelling Characters
Oct. 2, 2010: Tips for Writing Effective Dialogue
Dec. 15, 2010: Show, Don’t Tell
Jan. 8, 2011: Style Blunders in Fiction
Feb. 11, 2011: Deep Point of View, or How to Avoid Head-Hopping
Feb. 16, 2011 – Survive Your Writing or Editing Career
March 28, 2011: Deep Point of View, Part 2
April 2011 – Deep Point of View, Part 3
THE THRILL BEGINS Blogspot, http://thethrillbegins.blogspot.com/
March 31, 2011: Writing Effective Dialogue
April 28, 2011: Creating Compelling Characters
WRITING FROM THE PEAK - PIKES PEAK WRITERS BLOG, http://pikespeakwriters.blogspot.com/
March 30, 2011: Creating Compelling Characters